ASCM Foundation

As the philanthropic channel of ASCM, the ASCM Foundation will collaborate with corporations, nonprofits, and private foundations to address pressing global challenges. 

“At ASCM we believe there is unlimited potential for supply chains to shape the world in which we live. By mobilizing the supply chain community we can create opportunity and solve critical problems affecting countless lives,” said ASCM CEO Abe Eshkenazi, CSCP, CPA, CAE. “Through the ASCM Foundation we will take ambitious new actions to create a better world through supply chain by launching and expanding initiatives that draw on supply chains to address global challenges.” 

As the global authority in supply chain management, the foundation will leverage ASCM’s certifications and the body of knowledge that have been the global standard in professional development for 60 years to forge impactful relationships and drive forward ASCM’s four priority initiatives: 

  • Build Frontier and Humanitarian Supply Chains that support the Ministries of Health in sub-Saharan Africa as they enhance the capabilities of their supply chain leaders, professionals, and country-based communities of practice in order to give people consistent and affordable access to food, medicine, vaccines, and other life essentials.
  • Offer K-12 Supply Chain, STEM and Career Awareness opportunities that educate and engage future supply chain professionals and address the supply chain skills shortage.
  • Develop Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives that ensure people of all profiles and backgrounds can do meaningful work, share perspectives, and succeed in supply chain careers.
  • Amplify Supply Chain Workforce Development that includes career training, supply chain certification resources, and content development with academic institutions in order to provide high-quality, rewarding jobs, and a meaningful path forward. 

“ASCM was built on the value of learning and development, and the Foundation seeks to continue and amplify that through our partnerships and collaborations,” said Dan Schoenfeld, VP of the ASCM Foundation. “Together we’ll seek to improve global operations, advance public health and safety, and foster the overall advancement of end-to-end supply chain management.” 

As supply chains grow more complex organizations, nearly every industry faces a mounting need for skilled, diverse, and dedicated professionals. The ASCM Foundation’s work creates more effective and sustainable supply chains and high-quality jobs that advance individuals, organizations, communities, and economies. 

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